About Me

My name is Kally McConnell, and I am a mama to two kiddos, Mackenzie and Brynn. The craziest part about parenthood is how it has taught me allllll about who I am, the great and the not-so great. I realized that if I want to raise my kiddos to the best of my abilities, I have to be fulfilled myself. So one of my biggest missions over the past few years has been figuring out what I am passionate about…and also remembering/recognizing my innate skills. 

Ever since I was old enough, I was making videos. Combining music, pictures and videos as gifts for friends and family. Also, through my own experience of becoming a mom, I realized that there needs to be more support given to us before and after we have our kiddos. The whole experience is a whirlwind and after the first year of a new little one’s life, you often are just grateful you survived. So that’s how I want to help you, by creating a gorgeous, fun remembrance of this year with very little work on your end, while supporting you with some amazing tools that I have found along my own journey down the road of parenthood. (Boom! I’m VERY proud of how I just wrapped up that little intro 😉 ) 

Please reach out if you have questions. I’m so excited to connect with you!


Need immediate support?

You can call the Postpartum Support International (PSI) Helpline: 1-800-944-4773 or Text “Help” to 800-944-4773 (English) or 971-203-7773 (Español)