Community Care

My mission in this work is to make sure families feel supported during this new phase of life. The best way for me to do this is offer postpartum support locally. I want to give you the space all new parents need to breathe.
What I will do: Meal prep, hold babies so you can nap or just take a break, take babies for walk so you can be alone in your house, run errands, chat!, help research to find other means of support, fold laundry, put dishes away, babysit so you and your partner can take a break together.

What I won’t do: Clean (I'm not very good at it anyway)! I also reserve the right to say no to things I don’t feel qualified or able to do 😎

Please take a look at my calendar below to find a time that works for you. I will also provide you payment info in a confirmation email. This service is pay-what-you-can as no parent should be excluded from support (the local, recommended rate is $30/hour). All profits from this effort will be donated to the Chicago Volunteer Doulas or to other local doulas so they may offer reduced rates to their clients. (If you need more regular or longer periods of support, please contact me here, and I will put you in connection with local, professional doula services.)

I reserve the right to cancel if needed. I will only do this if anyone in my family is sick, if my children are unexpectedly home from school, and/or if something unexpected comes up for my husband with work (which is rare). Also, distance from my kiddos' school in Warrenville will determine how long I can stay on weekday mornings.

I am honored and grateful to be a part of your postpartum journey. Please feel free to book the start time of my available 2 hour time slots. I will give you a call within a day or two to confirm and chat!


Need immediate support?

You can call the Postpartum Support International (PSI) Helpline: 1-800-944-4773 or Text “Help” to 800-944-4773 (English) or 971-203-7773 (Español)